Nov 26, 2019

Veterans Day: Honoring Our Lambda DKE Brothers Who Have Served

Veterans Day was on November 11. As most Americans know, the holiday’s original purpose was to commemorate November 11, 1918—the day fighting ended in World War I. Today, Veterans Day stands for even more as it honors all former U.S. soldiers.

Celebrations are held across the nation with parades and events. We pause to recognize all the men and women who have served in the armed forces and put their lives on the line for their country. Many of us have family members and close friends who are either serving or have served in the past. This year, let us not forget the Lambda DKE Brothers who have served.

We Proudly Salute Our Military Brothers!

Throughout our history, the Brothers of Lambda DKE have proudly served our country.

There is no way to repay you for your sacrifice on our behalf. However, Lambda DKE does pledge to honor your many heroic contributions and remember those of you who have served, fought and died protecting our freedoms.

We'd like to hear your stories about your time in the military. Please take a minute to tell us about your service by emailing us at, and your story may be shared in a future e-letter to your Lambda DKE Brothers.