Recent News

May 20, 2024

Alumni News

May 20, 2024

Mystic Circle

May 20, 2024

Congratulations to Bill Geist ’76

May 20, 2024

Catching up with Ben Grannis

May 20, 2024

Welcome to our Newest Actives

Apr 16, 2024

Kenyon Bicentennial Reunion

May 8, 2023

Lambda 101 Years Ago …….

When Doug Lanpher and DKE HQ staff were housecleaning boxes of old files not long ago, they came across a number of interesting old items that they did not have room to keep. Doug sent us the 1922 Lambda chapter report, a kind of early "Lambda Deke" type newsletter.

May 4, 2023

CJ's Chapter Report

As a senior in the fraternity, it’s been a pleasure to hold responsibility and participate as much as I have been able to. With ambitions to see DKE rise to the top of Kenyon Greek Life, I would say the Chapter saw many high points over the year.

May 4, 2023

Note from the President

On April 7th Lambda initiated 14 outstanding new brothers. With Biff Butler ’68 and Sam Adams ’81 in attendance, Lambda’s worthy leadership Max Thesing ‘24 (Brother Beta) and C.J. Morris ‘23 (Brother Pi) led the initiates through our ancient rituals and found them not unworthy. A special treat was that brother Tom McCormick ’93, was able to surprise his son Thomas P. McCormick ’26 at his initiation, continuing Lambda’s long history of legacies.

Mar 9, 2023

Undergrad VP speaks on his experiences at the DKE International Convention

Dec 14, 2022

2022 Delta Kappa Epsilon Holiday Challenge  

Are you ready to take on our 2022 Holiday challenge? Without all of us, Lambda DKE simply does not exist. Your 2022 year-end gift can help to make this our best year yet. Are you in? 

Dec 14, 2022

This powerhouse duo has been fighting for human rights for decades 

In Chicago, Illinois there is a husband-and-wife duo that believe they have a responsibility to make this world a better place. Denis and Martha Pierce have a deep-rooted philanthropic vision to be a voice for the poor and unempowered.

Nov 18, 2022

Annual Shawn Kelly Holiday Party Set for December 2nd. Thank You for Continued Support!

Lambda is ready for another great Shawn Kelly memorial event--the chapter's 31st!  Thanks to hard work by Actives and the support of the Theta Delta Phi sorority, this event brings holiday joy to children and families in Knox County.  The event also shows the community-mindedness and generosity of Lambda DKEs at Kenyon. Last year we raised over $8,000 and all of that went to the holiday festival, presents for the kids, jackets for those who needed them, and donations to Knox County Head Start.

Oct 10, 2022

Say hello to the new give year! 

This year, brother after brother answered the of question of why it is important to give back to Delta Kappa Epsilon and said it was because of how much Lambda DKE changed their life. Lambda DKE gave them leadership skills and friendships that have weathered life’s ups and downs. Together, our gifts can make sure that the important benefits of fraternity membership live on — both through us as alumni, and with the next generation of students.   

Oct 10, 2022

Undergraduate Highlight: CJ Morris ‘23

CJ Morris ‘23 designed shirts and bookmarks for the Lambda Chapter. He plans to attend med school and become a doctor.

Aug 16, 2022

Jim Pierce ’78 publishes historical novel: “Treachery: A Story of Deception Behind Union Lines”

Aug 16, 2022

Lambda Chapter Alumni Weekend

Jul 13, 2022

Vital Stats for the Lambda Chapter 

Vital stats of the fraternity are at the heart of everything we do. They keep us in touch with the health of Delta Kappa Epsilon. With our giving year ending on August 31st, we are doing one final push to see if we can make it to our Annual Fund goal. Read on to view the vital stats report! 

Jun 27, 2022

Hell Week Songs

While ‘Hell Week ’is a thing of the past on most college campuses, Hell Week songs live on in the memory of many Lambda brothers. Played more-or-less continuously through work projects and rituals during our week of bonding, these are the songs we still love to hate, the ones that burrowed into our brains—though we still turn the radio up when they come on (if they come on).

Jun 27, 2022

Lambda Wins Most Improved Chapter Award and Number One Brother Beta at the International Convention

At the recent DKE Convention, Lambda won the Delta Trophy for most improved chapter in the country and our own Andrew Kotler won the Napolitano Award for the best Brother Beta among all DKE chapters. A huge round of clicks to Lambda and Brother Kotler.

May 31, 2022

Without Delta Kappa Epsilon, I wouldn’t have… 

Through everything we experience in life, we take something from each moment. Our college years can be some of the most influential years of our lives, and through each experience and moment, we had Delta Kappa Epsilon to fall back on. We recently talked to Delta Kappa Epsilon brothers, here's what they told us they wouldn't have if it weren't for Delta Kappa Epsilon.

May 20, 2022

Thank you to our generous donors!

Alumni support is the heart and soul of our fraternity, giving our active chapter a strong foundation and reminding our alumni volunteers that their efforts are paramount. Your gift fuels our commitment and sets an important example for our alumni brotherhood. If you haven’t donated yet this year, would you consider making a gift this month and join those who are on our Honor Roll?

May 18, 2022

Brothers who have entered the Mystic Circle

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of David Daulton '59 and Stephen Coenen ’81 into the Mystic Circle. We want to extend our deepest sympathies to their family, friends, and loved ones. Click "Read More" to view their obituaries.

May 10, 2022

Welcome the newest grads to Alumni Brotherhood! 

It is with great honor that we announce the newest fraternity alums! We reached out to our newest grads and asked them what they gained from DKE, why they joined, and where they are headed after graduation. Join us in welcoming them to the alumni brotherhood!